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Exporting a Terrain File (*.terx) to Civil 3D (DWG/DFX)

Updated October 13, 2020

This article applies to:
  • Terrain 3D
  • Terrain Forestry
  • RoadEng Civil
  • RoadEng Forestry

Both Terrain and Location can generate 3D files but they are not in DWG format by default.

This is a 3D view of a TIN surface generated in Terrain.


To save your file in AutoCAD/Civil 3D format:

1. Click on Capture_2.JPG | Save As, then change the file type to *.dwg (see below).


Here the DWG just contains points, linework and labels.

Note 1: When exporting a TIN to DWG/DXF (from Terrain), "Triangle outlines" needs to be checked to generate a 3D view in Civil 3D.

Right-click on Plan View | Active Window (Plan) Options... | Surface | Triangle outlines 


2. After naming the file as desired, you will be brought to “export DWG/DXF options dialogue box.


Check Allow 3D Points & Polylines and Plan.

This is the 3D view in Civil 3D:


To export TIN surfaces it is more convenient to use the LandXML format. This gives you the actual 3D surface that was created in Terrain or Location.

To save a file as LandXML:

Click on Capture_2.JPG  |  Save As, change the file type to Landxml (*.xml).  

Note 2: the option Triangle outlines does not need to be checked in Terrain.

To open the file in Civil 3D:
File | New
File | Import | Import LandXML
