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Multiple Deflection Lines on a Page

Updated August 14, 2020

This article applies to:
  • Terrain Forestry
  • RoadEng Forestry

The tutorial files referred to in this article can be installed from the Updates section of or from your CD/Flash Drive provided at time of software purchase. See Getting Started for additional information on tutorial files and the location of file install folders.

Up to 10 deflection lines can be analyzed simultaneously. All 10 can be printed onto a legal size page. Multiple d-lines.ter is an example with 10 profiles and a layout that will create a Multi-Plot of 10 D-Lines.

1. File | Open \ Cable\multiple d-lines.terx


Figure 1: Terrain screen after opening multiple d-lines.ter.

Notice that the Plan Window has ten features that are labelled D-Line-*. Each one of these corresponds to a feature in a Profile Window (minimized the bottom of your screen). They were created as draped features. (See On-line Help for a description of draped features).

2. Maximize the D-Line-0 Profile Window found at the bottom of your screen. You can also find this window, by selecting View | Switch Window, and selecting D-Line-0: Profile 1 from the available list (see figure below).


Figure 2: View | Switch Window

The Profile shown above displays feature D-Line-0. The analysis is a simple deflection at thirds, and the setup is Grapple with an American 7280B yarder and a 27.4m tower.

Figure 3: D-Line-0 (Profile:1) window maximized.

Since the analysis was done previously for all 10 D-Lines (see Cable Analysis on a Traversed Profile ), a Multi-Plot displaying all ten can be created. A screen layout has been created for this purpose.

3. File | Retrieve Screen Layout \training\training multiple cables.ilt

4.File | Printer Setup, change the paper orientation and size to Portrait and Legal 8.5 X 14. Press OK

The Multi-Plot as shown below will now be displayed. You are now ready to print your output.


Figure 3: Multi-Plot window of 10 D-Lines

Note: Use the multiple cables.ilt layout on your own project, and it will create a similar output. You may have to scale or scroll to make your profiles visible.

5. File | New. Do not save changes.