Cable Data Window and Profile Sub-windows
Updated August 14, 2020
This article applies to:
- Terrain Forestry
- RoadEng Forestry
Files for this tutorial section on cable analysis can be downloaded here: Cable
More detailed calculation information can be displayed in the Cable Data window and Profile Sub-Windows. In this example we are using the Minimum deflection given load calculation type (figure below) so values such as cable tension are calculated.
If you choose Simple third point Deflection, only geometric values such as ground clearance are calculated.
Configuring the Cable Data Window
The Cable Data window shows numeric D-Line information in a tabular format. The following steps show how to create and configure a Cable Data window.
- File | Open <Terrain>\Cable\CableAnalysis - 2.terx.
- To add a cable data window, select the View ribbon, click the New Window drop down and select Cable Data. A blank Cable Data window will appear.
- Right click in the new Cable Data window and select Active Window (Cable Data) Options. The D-Line Data Options dialogue will appear as shown in the figure below.
- To automatically show data for the selected D-Line, ensure the Auto (always use current feature) check box is set (similar to the Profile window options).
- Press the Display Lists button to show the dialogue box below.
- Select the items shown in the figure above:
- Select an item in the Available list then press the Add button to add it to the Selected list (or just double click in the Available list)
- Press the Shift Up or Shift Down buttons to change the order displayed.
- Select an item in the Selected list then press the Remove button to delete it (or just double click in the Selected list).
Press OK twice to return to the main screen.
The Cable Analysis Data window will appear with the data items appearing as rows and the columns showing the sampled stations. The station columns are based on the calculation points specified in D-Line Calculation Options.
Note: Tensions and load are rounded to the nearest 1000.
In this example, the maximum tensions for the Mainline and Haulback are 70,000lbs and 67000lbs respectively (defined using the Cable Analysis ribbon, Equipment button). For Minimum deflection given load analysis, the load is constant, and the maximum tension allowed in the Mainline or Haulback is applied to minimize deflection. In the first sample at (station 8.4). both cables are at maximum tension; for the rest of the samples, the Haulback maximum tension is limiting the system.
Adding Profile Sub Windows
Some of the information displayed in the data table above can also be displayed graphically as Sub Windows in the Profile view. The following steps will add sub-windows to your Profile.
Right-click in the profile window and select Active Window (Profile) Options and the Profile Window Options dialogue box will appear as shown in Figure below.
- In the Sub-Windows portion of the dialogue box press Select to open the dialogue box shown below
- Select the five items shown in the figure above.
- Press OK twice to return to the main screen.
The resulting profile window should appear similar to the window shown in Figure below.
- Resize the main Profile window to make room for the Sub-Windows:
- Move your mouse cursor over the grey divider bar under the main Profile window and above the Sub-Windows; the cursor will change
- Click and drag to change the position of the divider.
- Move your mouse cursor over the grey divider bar under the main Profile window and above the Sub-Windows; the cursor will change
- Right click in the Profile window and select Active Window (Profile) Options to re-open the Profile Window Options dialogue below.
Many Sub-Windows have additional display options.
Select % Deflection in the Sub-Windows list (scroll to the bottom) then press the Options button to open the dialogue box shown below.
Note: The check boxes for Horz Axis and Vert Axis turn axis labeling on and off; as the horizontal axis is the same for the main profile and all the graphical Sub-Windows, you may want to turn it off.
When Center Span is set (the default), the value reported is the equivalent center span deflection for the calculated skyline length at the sample point. In other words, the deflection you would get if you took the same cable length and put the load at the center of the span. This is essentially an alternate measure of cable length between tower and tail (see also Skyline Length Sub-Window).
When Center Span is clear, the actual deflection at the sample point is reported.
- Make any changes you want and then press OK twice to return to the main screen.
- Optional: Experiment with different calculation types and settings (Cable Analysis ribbon, Edit, Calculation Parameters button).
- Choose menu File | New, do not save changes.