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Exporting a Draped Profile to Logger PC

Updated December 09, 2016

This article applies to:
  • Terrain Forestry
  • RoadEng Forestry

Softree’s Terrain module is great for extracting deflection line profiles from surface models. These profiles can then be analyzed in the built-in Cable Analysis tools. If desired, a profile can also be exported to an ASCII file for analysis in other software such as Logger PC or its USDA replacement, SkylineXL.

This tutorial explains how to export a draped profile from Terrain to an ASCII file. It includes steps for reducing the number of points in the file; Logger PC will crash if you import too many points.

1. Convert your profile from draped to 3D (Edit - Modify Selected Feature(s) - Properties Ctrl-E):

Note: The Modelled check box is clear; this prevents the 3D dline feature from becoming part of your surface model next time you calculate the TIN.

2. Thin out unnecessary points (Edit - Modify Selected Feature(s) – Simplify/Smooth):

The Tolerance will be the maximum elevation deviation of the simplified profile from the original. You can see the new lower number of points in the status bar at the bottom of the screen:

Before (413):

After (32):

3. Export your feature to an ASCII file (File – Save As, choose Save As Type: ASCII text (*.asc))

When prompted, set the following options (Points, Easting (X), Northing (Y) Elevation (Z), comma Delimiter, Selected features):

Note: you only need to Include TIN points if you export a Draped feature.

4. In Windows Explorer, change the extension of the exported file from ASC file to CSV. This will allow you to easily open the file in Microsoft Excel or Logger PC.