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Move, Size, Rotate by Vectors (with snapping)

Updated September 16, 2021

This article applies to:
  • Terrain 3D
  • Terrain Forestry

Move, Size, Rotate by Vectors (with snapping)

Note: Feature available in Version 10

This function can be found in Feature tools | Move, Size, Rotate | By Vectors 


                                                           Figure 1: Vector Transform

Select the feature or set of features you want to move, drag the tip of the arrow to the new base point and click OK. 


Figure 2: Move/Size/Rotate by Vectors

If you want a second point of displacement, cilck on Add, drag the tip of the second arrow (with Allow Sacaling / Streaching enabled).



Figure 3: Selecting New Base Points

When you drag the tips of the arrows, it is possible to snap them to points in the background by enabling the Snapping option: Plan Window Options | Background | Properties | Snapping


Figure 3: Snapping to Background Points