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Roadway Components - RURAL 6
Updated May 06, 2016
This article applies to:
- RoadEng Civil
- RoadEng Forestry
Rural roadway with compaction zone always occurs. Use "SubCut SG" component for below subgrade only.
Typical Cross Section
Default Material Assignments
AcpThick | Thickness of pavement surface. |
AcpWidth | Surfacing or lane width, for pavement layer. |
BaseThick | Thickness of layer. |
BaseFillSlope | Fill slope for base layer. |
SubbaseThick | Thickness of subbase layer. |
SubbaseFillSlope | Fill slope % of subbase layer. |
ShoulderGravWitdh | Shoulder width |
ShoulderVOffset | Vertical offset from top of asphalt to shoulder. NOTE: This value should be less than ACP_THICK. |
CZ_Thick | Compaction zone additional thickness |
CZ_Width | Compaction zone width at bottom (HD) |
CZ_ExtSlope | Compaction zone extension slope |
_SUPER | Superelevation or crown |