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Box Culv 2
Updated June 27, 2023
This article applies to:
- RoadEng Civil
- RoadEng Forestry
Typical Cross Section
Rise | Inside height of box culvert in project units. | |
Span | Inside height of box culvert in project units. | |
TopThickness: | Thickness of top slab in project units. | |
Bottom Thickness | Thickness of bottom slab in project units. | |
WallThickness | Thickness of wall slab in project units. | |
TrenchWidthOffset | Horizontal offset (project units) from toe of leveling course to bottom edge of trench or start of next component. | |
LevelCrsThickness | Thickness (project units) of leveling course beneath slab. | |
LevelCrsAdWidth | Additional width project units) of leveling course adjacent to box culvert. | |
LevelCrsFillslope | Fill slope (percent) of leveling course material to bottom of trench, | |
ChannelBackfillDep | Depth (project units) of backfill material in box culvert. | |
HaunchWidth | Width (project units) of haunch in box culvert. | |
HaunchHeight | Height (project units) of haunch in box culvert. | |
ChamferHeight | Height (project units) of chamfer on outside of box culvert. | |
ChamferWidth | Width (project units) of chamfer on outside of box culvert. | |
bAttachAtBackfill | If the parameter is set to 0, the component will be attached based on the CL at subgrade, if the parameter is set to 1, the component will be attached at CL horizontally but the elevation of CL will be set based off the elevation of the backfill material. | |