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Ditches and Subcuts - DITCH 5
Updated May 06, 2016
This article applies to:
- RoadEng Civil
- RoadEng Forestry
ROW Widening
Widen to the right of way offset. Grade out beyond ROW if ditch is too deep.
Typical Cross Section

ROWOffset | Horizontal offset from centerline to ROW. | |
DitchDefDepth | Default ditch depth to inside bottom of the ditch measured from centerline. | |
DitchElev | Ditch elevation. This parameter should be overriden .i.e. explicitly set in menu Edit | Assign Parameters by Range. If this parameter is set to -99999 then the ditch depth is determined from DitchMaxDepth. | |
DitchMinBotWidth | Minimum width of the bottom of the ditch (horizontal distance). | |
DitchInsideSlp | Ditch slope from shoulder to bottom of ditch. | |
DitchBotSlp | Bottom of the ditch slope. | |
SlopeToROW | Slope from outside of the ditch to right of way offset. | |
SlopeBeyondROW | Slope beyond right of way limit. | |
DitchDepth | Depth of the ditch measured from attachment point. | |
DitchSlopeHD | Horizontal distance for the ditch slope. | |
BackSlopeHD | Back slope horizontal distance to ROW limit. |