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Entering Data in a Traverse

Updated March 28, 2018

This article applies to:
  • Terrain Forestry
  • RoadEng Forestry

Order of Data Entry:

There are three tabs for entering data (as shown in the image below):

  • C/L Coordinates
  • C/L Station and Shot
  • Side Shots

You are taken to the C/L Station & Shot tab after creating your traverse. Here you can enter your Stn 0 ground data & move to the C/L Coordinates tab and Side Shot tab before recording your shot data. The order is visualized in the image below:

Entering Data: The 3 Screens:

1. C/L Coordinates ---- this is an OPTIONAL screen (except for your first shot).

  • To enter your own manual GPS coordinates, simply enter your data in the Easting, Northing and Elevation fields. The Absolute check boxes will automatically enable.
  • Stations where you have entered C/L Coordinates will be denoted with an asterix (*) in the station # (in table view)
  • NOTE: When you were setting up your traverse, you were required to enter these fields.

2. C/L Station and Shot---- this has REQUIRED elements in order to complete the shot entry.

  • To complete this screen – you will need to enter a shot:
    • Select Type: FS, RS, or IFS
    • Enter the additional fields (upto one decimal pt)
  • •There are additional fields that are OPTIONAL, including
    • Ground Layer Information (alphanumeric upto 2 characters for the code and numeric to 1 decimal pt for the depth)
    • Creek (Culvert) Info – Enter the Diameter in mm (or inches) or the Height and Width (box culvert) in meters or feet. You set your survey as imperial or metric in RoadEng.
    • Label- open text field --- NO COMMAS allowed.

3. Side Shots ---- this is an OPTIONAL screen – complete only when needed

  • To enter Side Shots, first select your mode (Slope Distance or Horizontal Distance)

  • Then enter your side shot fields for the left and the right – up to 10 entries for each:
    • Slp% - with upto 1 decimal pt
    • Slope Distance – ≥0, with upto 1 decimal pt
    • Side Shot Code – 4 digit Alpha-numeric field (No Commas)
    • Turning Pt (default is on, same as the Survey Map software