Profile Window Design and Drafting
Updated July 09, 2021
This article applies to:
- Terrain 3D
- Terrain Forestry
- RoadEng Civil
- RoadEng Forestry
This Knowledge Base article is an excerpt from one of our tutorial files. The files referenced in the article, as well as the full tutorial document, are available in our Tutorial Installer.
Culvert Design Example
This example illustrates profile window design and display using multiple features and multiple Profile Windows. The concept of projected and intersected features is also covered.
File | Open <Terrain>\Profile\topograph.terx. Using the Selection cursor
select the thick blue feature running down the center of the creek (STREAM-2) as shown in the figure below. It will turn magenta when selected.
Figure 1: topograph.terx In Plan View
View | New Window | Profile from dropdown list. This opens a Profile Window with the feature name, STREAM-2.
Note: The Status Bar:
You can open or re-activate windows at any time using the Status Bar navigation buttons. To ensure it is displayed, right-click in the Status bar and make sure Navigation is selected.
Re-activate the Plan Window, by pressing
Using the Selection cursor
in the Plan Window, select the upper stream bank (the upper blue dashed line) feature (STREAM-0). Switch to the Profile Window. Note the feature in the Profile Window remains the same (STREAM-2) but it is no longer the current feature (no longer highlighted in magenta).
View | New Window | Profile. A new Profile Window will open displaying STREAM-0.
Current Feature to Profile changes the Profile Window to display the current feature (this function changes the active Profile Window).
Switch back to the Plan Window. Left mouse click in an empty area to deselect all features.
Note: When a new feature is created it inherits the formatting (line-type and color) of the currently selected feature. By deselecting all features, the new feature will not inherit any formatting.
The next several steps involve entering the coordinates of the road centerline as it crosses the stream and then profiling the road centerline.
Plan | New Feature. Change the feature name to ROADCL and make sure Displayed, Connected, and Modelled are on – this creates a Draped Feature (as shown in the property image to the right of the options within the dialog). All other properties should be off. Press the Keyboard button.
Enter the following X, Y coordinates:
399.2 | <Tab> | -276.8 | <Enter> |
399.4 | <Tab> | -288.7 | <Enter> |
399.4 | <Tab> | -296.0 | <Enter> |
398.8 | <Tab> | -310.6 | <Tab> |
Figure 2: Feature Coordinates Dialogue Box
Do not press <Enter> after the last coordinate (if you accidentally do, use the Delete button to remove the last 0,0 coordinate).
Press the Update List button to accept the last coordinate.
Check the above coordinates if satisfied they are correct, press OK. Notice the Plan Window now displays the new ROADCL feature.
With the feature selected, select menu View | New Window | Profile.
Figure 3: ROADCL Profile
Profile | Window | Profile Options. Re-ensure Auto-Scale is checked in the Profile Window display options will re-scale the view so that the profile line will fit to the extents of the profile view.
Set the Ratio (V to H) to 10.0. Press OK to close the dialog.
To create a cross section parallel to the creek, select Profile | New Feature button. Change the feature name to SECTION. Make sure Displayed, Connected, and Modeled are on. All other properties should be off. Press the Keyboard button and enter the following X, Y coordinates:
382.4 | <Tab> | -287.1 | <Enter> |
421.7 | <Tab> | -291.7 | <Tab> |
Do not press <Enter> after the last coordinate. Press the Update List button. Press OK provided the Feature Coordinates - Section -0 dialogue box looks like the figure below.
Figure 4: Feature Coordinates - Section-0 Dialogue Box
View | New Window | Profile. A Profile Window appears with the feature name, SECTION-0, in the bottom status bar.
Notice there is another feature in the Profile Window. This is feature STREAM-2 projected onto the SECTION-0 profile. See figure below.
Figure 5: Screen Shot of STREAM-2 and SECTION-0 Profile