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Terrain Window Types

Updated August 20, 2024

This article applies to:
  • Terrain 3D
  • Terrain Forestry
  • RoadEng Civil
  • RoadEng Forestry

Plan Window Icon.png

Plan Window displays a plan View. It is used to display and edit features.

Profile Window displays a profile view of one or more selected features. This window requires that the Profile Window function group be enabled.

Feature Properties Panel displays the properties of the feature and numeric information about the current feature and point. It can be used as a floating window or as a docked panel window on the right-hand side of the screen.

Points Panel is used to report and/or modify attribute information about the current point. It can be used as a floating window or as a docked panel window on the right-hand side of the screen.

Features Panel is used to report and/or modify attribute information about the current feature. It can be used as a floating window or as a docked panel window on the right-hand side of the screen.

Terrains panel.png

Terrains Panel allows the user to modify display options for each terrain background file in the project. 

3D Window displays the features in a 3-dimensional view.

Multi-Plot Window is used to create an output sheet containing plans, profiles, legends, scale bar, images etc. This window requires that the Multi-plot function group be enabled.

Each window can be sized, moved, maximized and minimized in the standard Microsoft fashion. All windows can be arranged using View | Cascade, Tile Vertically, Tile Horizontally buttons.

Text windows such as Features can be floating or docked to the right side of the screen. To dock a floating window, click the title bar of the window and move it over the right-hand side of the main window. The panel with dock automatically.