Exporting Designed Surfaces
Updated November 07, 2023
This article applies to:
- RoadEng Civil
- RoadEng Forestry
Figure 1: File Save As Dialog Box Ready to Export
a Terrain File From The Location Module
Figure 2: Export To Terrain Options Dialog Box
Note: The Export to Terrain function can be used to:
• generate a construction surface for staking or digitally controlled grading
• export alignments for use as reference features in another design
• export alignments for use as displayed features in a map or other plan drawing
• export the designed sub-grade or finished grade to create a composite designed surface
Figure 3: Add Template Codes Dialog Box after
Selecting Ditch Bottom Point Codes.
File | Open in Location. <RoadEngCivil>\Location\Align stage 9.dsnx.
For this example, we will assume that this design is finished and we want to export the designed surface.
Choose menu
File | Save As to open the file save dialog box.
Set the type to Terrain File (*.terx).
Change folders to <RoadEngCivil>\Composite.
Name the output file Road Surface XXX.terx where XXX are your initials (we don’t want to write over the tutorial file).
Press Save; the Export to Terrain options dialog box will open (Figure 25‑2).
Most of the items in the dialog box are set correctly by default; we will only explicitly deal with some of the features below. Type <F1> to see a description of every control in the Export to Terrain dialog box.
Make sure Final Surface (Merged Surface) in Sections / Surfaces. We want to export the surface of the road as if it were complete.
Make sure that Include Sections is checked and that Offset: 0.0, From Disturbed limits. We will export data up to the slope stake lines but no further; in other words, we will export the disturbed area.
Make sure that the Surface Limits is checked and also check the Boundary to the right of it. This will limit our surface to the stay within the stake lines (SS).
Ensure that the Create TIN model check box is set.
Although data points will be exported for all template points that define the surface, it is often desirable to make point codes into linear features. This “connects the dots”. There are currently four items in the Linear Features from Template Codes list:
PT1L – pavement edge (left)
PT1L – pavement edge (right)
SB3L – shoulder edge (left)
SB3R – shoulder edge (right)
All of these, point codes will be connected together. Ensure Breakline box is checked (select an item to see its properties below).
Next add the ditch bottom features: DIL; DIR; DOL; DOR to the list of Template codes. Press the Add… button to open the dialog box shown below. These codes represent ditch inside, outside left and right as shown in the figure above (use <Ctrl + click> to select/deselect multiple items).
Select all the new items and set the Breakline check box.
We have finished setting the options for export. It is useful to note that these options are saved with the Location design when you save it.
Press the OK button to export the Terrain file.