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Alignment Status

Updated August 22, 2024

This article applies to:
  • RoadEng Civil
  • RoadEng Forestry
  • Softree Optimal

Construction Sequence

Processing of horizontal alignments (curves, cross sections, overrides etc.) occurs in a sequence, referred to as the Construction Sequence.


      Figure 1: Construction Sequence

Processing a horizontal alignment can result in the creation additional reference features or corridor surfaces. These features and surfaces can be referred to in further alignment calculations.

Status Indicator

The Status Indicator checks and reports invalid relationships between horizontal alignments and reports warnings.

For example, suppose we have 3 horizontal alignments (H-Align_A, H-Align_B and H-Align_C).

  • Calculations out of date - indicates that changes have been made to the selected alignment. Cross sections and volumes need to be recalculated 
  • Cost out of date - indicates that changes have been made to the selected alignment that has rendered the costs out of date. Out of date costs may also effect mass haul quantities if OptiHaul volumes are used.
  • Circular dependencies - indicates that alignments are dependent on each other. For example alignment A depends on B and alignment B depends on A.
  • Self dependency - indicates that an alignment depends on itself. This could happen if an assigned template refers to refernce feature or surface created by the same aligment.


Figure 2: Dependencies

  • Reference alignments missing - indicates that dependent alignments are missing. 
  • Terrain reference features missing - indicates that reference features could not be found in a terrain file. 
  • Culverts found out of station range - indicates that culverts have been assigned to an alignment outside (before or after) the alignment station range.
  • Maximum cost samples exceeded - indicates that costing sample spacing has exceeded the Maximum number cost sample intervals. This may reduce the accuracy for the opt-haul and cost calculations.